About Us
The Youth Services Commission serves as the planning, advocating, and enabling body of the Division of Youth Services. The commission is comprised of community partners, family court representatives, and County employees who meet to discuss programs/services and gaps in service.
There are five main subcommittees to the Youth Services Commission:
- Mercer County Gang Prevention and Intervention Task Force, which was created by the Mercer County Department of Human Services under the direction of Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes to participate in the eradication of youth violence culture in Mercer County through comprehensive community outreach and education. The committee includes a network of volunteer representatives from the community including social services agencies, educators, probation and police departments, and the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office.
Contact Us
Robert Taylor
Mercer County Division of Youth Services
McDade Administration Building
640 South Broad Street, Room 238
Trenton, New Jersey 08611
Phone: 609.278.4845
Fax: 609.989.6032
- Mercer County Youth Fire Setter Intervention and Prevention and Program, whose mission is to reduce fire-setting activities of youth in Mercer County through identification, education, and treatment. Through the coordination of intelligence, education, and support from professionals in fire service, law enforcement, child welfare agencies, education, and mental health, the program strives to provide the management, control, and treatment of youth fire setters to safeguard Mercer County communities.
- Mercer County Minority Concerns Subcommittee, which assists in educating the public and community at-large on discriminatory practices faced by Mercer County youth. The committee, comprised of citizen volunteers, judges, court staff, and other members of the public, assists with implementing the recommendations of the Supreme Court Committee on Minority Concerns, monitors progress, and makes recommendations for improvements to the Assignment Judge.
- Trenton Prevention Policy Board, a network of individuals and organizations working together to reduce juvenile delinquency and promote positive youth development in Trenton. Local stakeholders and experts from government, non-profit, and higher education sectors gather together regularly to share their knowledge about relevant trends, youth-serving programs, public policies, research, and best practices.
Site Review Committee, which consists of community partners who assist the Division of Youth Services with annual monitoring of all Division-contracted services providers.