About Us
The mission of the Hudson County Youth Services Commission (YSC) is to ensure the availability of accessible, responsive and coordinated services for youth involved in the juvenile justice system and those at risk of involvement in Family Court.
The Hudson County YSC is responsible for administering the State/Community partnership, Family Court and Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) funded grants. State Community Partnership supports services for juveniles involved in the juvenile justice system and delinquency prevention programs. Family Court supports programs and services for juveniles involved with or at risk of involvement with the Family Court. JDAI funds are designed to reduce the unnecessary and inappropriate use of detention while maintaining public safety and court appearance.
Delinquency Prevention- Services designed to prevent youth from engaging in anti-social and delinquent behavior and from taking part in other problematic behaviors that are pathways to delinquency:
- Prevention Program-Youth Advocacy Program
Diversion-Services that offer alleged juvenile offenders with an opportunity to avoid arrest/prosecution by providing alternatives to the formal justice system:
Disposition- Services that focus on youth judged delinquent who are ordered by the court to comply with specific sanctions, supervision and services as a consequence for their delinquent behavior:
Eligibility Requirements:
- Youth between 10 and 18 years who are currently involved or at risk of involvement in the juvenile justice system
- Youth must be referred to various programs by the Family Court, probation and/or other Youth Service Commission approved referral sources
Contact Us
Lewis Spears
Hudson County Youth Services Commission
Health & Human Services
830 Bergen Ave., Building 4B
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: 201-369-5280 ext. 4251
Email: [email protected]