About Us
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Our Team
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Contact Us
Wanda Dillon
Middlesex County Youth Services Commission
75 Bayard Street, 5th Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 246-5640 FAX: (732) 296-6916
Email: [email protected]
Middlesex County Division of Children’s Services & Youth Service Commission:
The Middlesex County Division of Children’s Services merges the functions of the Youth ServicesCommission (YSC) and the County Interagency Children’s Coordinating Council (CIACC) into the Council for Children’s Services to ensure the delivery of comprehensive services for Middlesex County’s children.The Council focuses on identification, planning and oversight of programs that provide children’s behavioral healthcare services; programs for juveniles charged or adjudicated as delinquent; and delinquency prevention programs. Facilitates Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) services for juveniles linked with the Family Court or Juvenile Parole. The Council also facilitates trainings, workshops and conferences that provide professionals, consumers, and family members with information regarding the continuum of care for children related services, delinquency prevention and mental health. The Council meets the last Tuesday of each month. The following standing committees are facilitated under theCouncil:
- Bylaws, Standards, & Membership: Prepares revisions of bylaws and advises the Council on compliance with relevant statutes, regulations and standards. The committee recommends individuals for membership to the Council and monitors attendance. Meetings are scheduled as needed.
- Executive: Outlines issues and develops agendas for discussion at Council meetings. Conducts emergency meetings on business requiring action between Council meetings and reviews appeals emanating from the Council. Executive consist of chairs and co-chairs of each standing committee only. Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month.
- Minorities Issues: Identifies the current needs and trends concerning minority youth and families in Middlesex County. The committee provides advocacy for youth, the family and the community. The committee identifies and supports appropriate services, and sensitizes the Council and its committees, families, communities and programs to gender specific issues, cultural, racial and ethnic differences. Meetings are held every 2nd Tuesday bi-monthly.
- Planning: Develops needs assessments to identify service gaps. The committee also develops a plan of action that determines the types of services that should be enhanced in order to meet identified needs.The committee assists in the preparation of all required plans. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday bi monthly.
- Program Review: Develops and implements the request for funding proposal (RFP) process in conjunction with the County Department of Purchasing. Reviews all applications for funding and submits recommendations to the Council. Monitors all funded programs and develops and implements a process to ensure contract compliance. Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of the month.
- Prevention: Facilitates education and training, and offers resource information to schools and the community. The committee supports and encourages collaboration among agencies to provide delinquency prevention services to children and families at risk. The committee identifies needs, promotes research and pursues local funding opportunities. Meetings are held the 4th Monday bi-monthly.
- County Interagency Coordinating Council for Children (CIACC): Oversees existing programs and supports the planning of services for children with behavioral healthcare needs, juveniles involved with the court system, and delinquency prevention programs. The committee also enhances coordination with the state (Children’s System of Care) system partners and local community providers while encouraging consumer, family, caregiver, and youth participation. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday bi-monthly.
For additional information on Middlesex County YSC and resource information visit:
For Council and subcommittee meeting details contact the Middlesex County YSC Administrator:
[email protected] or 732.246.5640